Education and Outreach


Throughout the last 5 years, the EnHants project has been engaging a large number of high school, undergraduate, and Masters students in challenging hands-on interdisciplinary projects. The projects expose students to various disciplines in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Applied Physics.


As of September 2014, over 17 semesters the EnHANTs umbrella project has engaged 80 students who have completed 180 semester-long projects. Out of 80 students, 6% were high school students 36% were undergraduates, 48% were M.S. students (nearly all of which were in non-thesis terminal M.S. programs), and 10% were Ph.D. students. Selected student project descriptions are available here.

Number of student projects completed in different semesters, September 2009 - Fall 2014.

The main focus areas for the projects.

Student projects are integrated with each other and are interdisciplinary. More information about student project organization is available in our paper that appeared in Proc. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ACM ITiCSE'13) in July 2013. [ Paper PDF ]

Student Project Demonstrations and Outreach Events

Students have participated in 6 conference demonstrations of the EnHANTs prototypes and prototype testbed:

Students also regularly present their contributions to the project in multiple other events, many of which are aimed at increasing interest in research and in STEM disciplines. In particular, students have contributed to the following selected events:



  • R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, and G. Zussman, “Project-based Learning within a Large-Scale Interdisciplinary Research Effort,” arXiv:1410.6935 [cs.CY], Oct. 2014 [ download ]
  • M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Project-based Learning within a Large-scale Interdisciplinary Research Effort, Proc. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ACM ITiCSE'13), Canterbury, UK, July 2013. [ Paper PDF ] [ bib entry ]
  • G. Zussman, Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) - Project Based Learning, 2011 National Academy of Engineers Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium (NAE FOEE'11) presentation. [ News Item