A Workshop on Connected, Autonomously Powered Systems

Created: Friday, 11 April 2014

A workshop on Connected, Autonomously Powered Systems was organized by Prof. Harish Krishnaswami and EnHANTs PIs Prof. John Kymissis and Prof. Mingoo Seok. The workshop was sponsored by the New York Section IEEE EDS/SSCS Joint Chapter.

The workshop included the following invited talks:

  • Prabal Dutta (Michigan): Realizing the Next Computing Class
  • Suman Datta (Penn State University): Emerging Devices for Energy Efficient Electronics
  • Gil Zussman (Columbia University): Networking Energy Harvesting Nodes - Measurements, Algorithms and Prototyping
  • Juin Liou (University of Central Florida): Recent Development on Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection of Low-Voltage RF Integrated Circuits
  • Peter Kinget (Columbia University): Ultra Low Power, Short Range Wireless Communications: from Using RF Pulses to Ultrasound Clicks
  • Naveen Verma (Princeton): Sensing on a Very Large Scale: Bringing CMOS Together with Thin-Film Electronics for Complete Systems


In addition, it included a poster/demo session in which the EnHANTs prototype and testbed was demonstrated by Earvin Caceres, Richard Chiou, Robert Margolies and Benjamin Zhu.